Stace and Joey

Two people living life to their convictions; one day at a time. Together in love, life, and happiness.

Trying their best to raise 5 phenomenal kids and keep a happy home.

Friday, March 19, 2010

New Addition

Last weekend Joe and I visited a kennel that had 18 poodles in all shapes and sizes. When we walked in the door; I was greeted by one baby nipping at my pants and by the time Joey got in a chorus of howling poopies!

We visited for awhile and talked with the owners. While sitting on the floor a bigger (but no where near the size of our boys) apricot poodle came and climbed in my lap and then went over to Joe to do the same to him. The owner was shocked and suprised and off the cuff offered to let us have "her". Joe and I looked at each other and made mental contact. The owner told us that "Brandi" was pregnant and due to have puppies on the 29th. Again Joe and I looked at each other curiously and several flags went off in my head.

I wondered why we would be offered a pregnant dog from a kennel owner? I wondered what was wrong with the dog? I wondered what we weren't being told? A lot of questions were flying around in my head. I was trying to process everything. We really didn't intend to go there and leave with a dog; let alone a pregnant one. We wanted to see the puppies and the pregnant Mom's for a possible future teacup little girl. There were two other soon to deliver Mom's and two more possibly pregnant. 18 dogs in total of varying ages. 30 bantam chickens and 5 mini horses. The dogs seemed happy enough. Some needed trims but all in all not bad and most of them had free range of the house. I wondered what the boys would think?

The owner went on to tell us Brandi was her "velcro dog". She only liked her. Stuck to her all day. Barked incessantly and riled up the other dogs. That didn't faze me; peanut likes to bark and boomer talks so not too big a deal. Still why would you give away a pregnant dog? She wants the puppies back when they are weaned and we do have the option to buy one if we choose. Still curious. She claims to have no papers on Brandi but sells her pups pretty heftily. I question that. She said she was 8 years old. She said she loves raw potatoes and carrots. Says she isn't bad to trim or cut her nails.

This is what we have found out:

Brandi doesn't bark. EVER. I don't think she has a voice. Her eye has a definite spot in it. Her tail was docked far too short. She was heavily matted especially on her rear legs and belly. Her nails were so long some were cracked and splayed. Her right foot had a sore between the pads. She doesn't like raw carrots or potatoes at all. Snubs her nose at them even. She does however love table food and gobbles it down in a snatchy manner. Working on that. She is patient in the bath. She lets you trim her fur and comb her and cut her nails although she doesnt' like the latter so much. She loves to snuggle and it doesn't matter who with. She follows me around like my shadow. She loves hairbows and coats and to look pretty. She has the stinkiest breath on earth.

We love her. She is ours. She is a happy addition to our home. Welcome home Brandi!

Stace and Joey

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