Stace and Joey

Two people living life to their convictions; one day at a time. Together in love, life, and happiness.

Trying their best to raise 5 phenomenal kids and keep a happy home.

Monday, August 2, 2010

We Have Followers!!

First and foremost; thank you! We obtained one of our goals! It's #7 on our list of goals for our 38th year of life!

We really do wish though that if you didn't understand some of our ramblings that you honestly just ask instead of a throw it in our face in a giant negative e-mail. For we will both be more than happy to explain anything you don't understand. That being said; Thank you Nanette and Mikayla for reading our blog!

Now on with explaining your unfounded concerns:

On March 19, 2010 we made a blog entry titled #2 and #4 This post was about our children #2 and #4. We wanted to refrain from posting their names on the Internet but it seems we have caused some confusion for y'all so let's make it simple.
#1 is Jessica (she is the oldest) and so it goes by age, #2 Jeffrey, #3 Matthew, #4 Mikayla, #5 Marie.

So as you can see we posted photos of #2 and #4 on that post saying we missed you both because you both had made some questionable choices at that time in your speech either written or verbal to shut us out and not communicate. We wanted you both to know that no matter what we missed you and wanted you to know that. But we also wanted to let you both know that you have to follow the house rules as all 5 kids have been given the same and it is the adults decision to set them and ask that you follow them. They are be respectful to all adults, be a part of the family, communicate, understand, sympathizes with all, but mostly do your part to make our family be the best it can. There is not a day that goes by that we do not do something for you all to live happily. That being said, not once on this blog has there been a post of wanting even numbers. In fact the sentence, "We miss you both more than you realize. I guess it must be something to do with the even numbers." simply means that children #2 & #4 are our most rebellious kids and it must have some something to do with the fact that you are both #2 and #4 kind of middle child syndrome of feeling that you are jilted all the time. Neither one of you are unless you bring it on yourselves and force it to be that way. There is enough love in this house for you all; maybe you should try it.

Moving along, "So, here it is, "Am I mad?" "Yes, you're purely mad. You're bonkers. But I have a secret; all of the best people are." (<3 this movie, probably because it was date night with my man)"

The previous quote is from the movie Alice in Wonderland; we went to see it in 3D on one of our date nights. It is our favorite quote from the movie. It's a conversation between Alice and The Mad Hatter. It was endearing and filled with love and even made us feel as though Alice were talking to her Father. It is not about me being mad at Stacie and wanting her to get a job. Does she need to have 2? She currently has one that suffices until our real goal is obtained. Although it was a great misinterpretation and one we both had a belly laugh about.

Moving on to Stacie's goal list:

1. We have compiled nearly 40 recipes that we have made side by side in our kitchen to put into our cookbook. We are doing quite well and nearing our goal.
2. Not yet; need to finish #1 first.
3. Stace has written two chapters of this book and it is quite good. It focuses on the life of a child.
4.Nope, waiting for rain for the machine but Stacie and Matthew spent a day and the mending pile is complete: buttons sewn back on clothes, straps mended, and BDU's cut down to make shorts.
5. Not 15 but it has had items added. And there have been sales!!
6. Doing it right now.
7. We do; wish they were more positive but they are there!
8, 9, & 10. We have been eating our own vegetables for two months and have our own eggs daily. We are cold framing and canning and living very healthy!
11. This has been researched and is an expensive hobby to start so it may be a goal for next year. Knowledge is power.
12. Marie fulfilled this by finding the cherished morel mushrooms we had and then were able to find more and dehydrate them. We were very proud that our youngest knew on her own what a prized find she had. We found 28 mushrooms and they are delicious! We also went sweet and tart cherry picking, and red and black raspberry picking; it was fun even though the kids fought a bit.
13. Working on it. A slow process as the sunny days draw us outdoors but 140 pages have been put together and one huge basket has been used! Very excited about that!
14. Still need to finish the floor and trim but all in due time. The kitchen had been in renovation process since 2004 so to have just finishing touches left is a significant change. We love the progress so far and can't wait for the finished product!
15. For Mother's Day Stace got a storm door and we installed one! The new front door and storm door will come in time.
16. This will probably be done when the kids are grown! LOL We know what we like but want to make do with what we have until people appreciate what we have first.
17. Not Yet.
18. When then kids go back to school.
19. Likely not this year as that went along with #21.
20. We left it under the maple tree in the shade and lines it with rocks instead. It has a more natural feel to it.
21. All plans for our addition have been halted. We are frustrated, angry, and hurt by this. Our addition was to be 3 rooms on the first floor. We were to add a bedroom with a half bath for Mikayla. We wanted her to have her own space and were hoping to have it in place before her summer visit so she could pick her own furnishing and wall color. This is why we asked for confirmation 138 days in advance so we could kick start this project. Along with that was to be a sun room with plenty of light for plants and drawing and crafting; a place for the girls to hang out. The third room was to be a family game room. We were going to get a home equity loan and do this work. The loan would have paid for it; no one had to work harder than they are now. Both of our current jobs are time consuming enough. Thanks. The cease and desist for this addition was decided when Mikayla wrote in April that she would never come here and her Mom said she didn't have to. All in all a hard blow on a dream to make something really cool for Mikayla; another dream smashed in our faces.
22-25. These were going to happen with the addition as well.
26-28. Working on these too!
29. Going to happen when the kids go back to school.
30. It is organized; need to weed it.
31. It is designed. Maybe next spring.
32. Not yet.
33. This has been changed to a Harley Fund. Stacie and Jess found a jar and everyone has been saving their pennies. All the kids even donated. It was a great day to know that my family cares deeply for me by such a small act as this.
34. Not yet.
35. Accomplished! Each night when we get home is like a mini vacation as we love spending time together.
36. 7 down. Although I think she is beautiful as she is!
37. We've been doing this for two years now and we love it!
38. Everyday in my lunch! I've saved them all.

Finally, one last thing. Stace made a post about wanting to go on vacation. We have put this all on hold so far hoping that all 5 kids would be here. We realize that since some people do not have the affinity to heal and move on and try and set a good example as an adult that this won't happen for any child living with them either. We will be taking our two vacations in August. One to the Cape and one to Lake George. We will not let one child ruin it for the other four. We will miss our daughter not being with us again but as she and her Mom keep choosing to not let her visit; we can do nothing to change it for her. We do hope she had fun on her 3 week vacation with her Mom though. Maybe someday she'll give us a chance.

Instead of sending our reply in an e-mail directly to you; we decided to put it here so that anyone you may have directed here also be corrected from your assumptions and misinterpretations. Have a great day. We will!

Joe and Stace

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


While reminiscing about the past year today i thought of moments in time that were caught on camera.

This caused me to open my photo files and go looking. This is what I found.....

me caught on film by my man on my birthday...

Marie at the studio for an impromptu photoshoot....

some Cape Cod pictures.....(can you tell I'm ready to go on vacation?)

and some shots of flowers around our home.

I enjoyed my trip down memory lane. Now off to make dinner and a cake to take to Ma's for tonite.

Have a great day.

Stace and Joey

Friday, April 9, 2010

38 in the year of being 38.....

I have checked my blog everyday and read my passages and have had so many thoughts run through my head on what to write. But none have come to paper.

I am restless.
I have vision.
I want to DO.
I want to CREATE.
I crave contribution.

Then ***KAPOW***

I am socked in the jaw with the realization that I should be doing laundry, sweeping the floors, mopping, or deciding what's for dinner; not posting on this black screen that seems to render uselessness. Computers are a wonderfully evil beast. The fountain of information you can gain from perusing their pages also can make for hours of sedentary living. I don't have that leisure and my derriere certainly doesn't need it either.


So, here I sit disregarding the "proper" portion of my brain that is whispering to me to go out to that sewing machine and make those damn aprons. Instead I continue plodding along on this list of mine that is now 4 days late and 4 days wasted in realizing the goal. 38 goals in the year of being 38.....

So, here it is, "Am I mad?" "Yes, you're purely mad. You're bonkers. But I have a secret; all of the best people are." (<3 this movie, probably because it was date night with my man)

1. Write a cookbook.
2. Publish said cookbook.
3. Start writing the book that keeps me awake at night writing chapters in my head.
4. Sew the damn aprons.
5. Have my Etsy shop filled with no less than 15 items each month.
6. Tell my story on this blog.
7. Actually have followers here that enjoy what I write and comment on it.
8. Continue our plan to be self-sufficient and live more off the land.
9. Plant our garden bigger and better.
10. Plant spring bulbs instead of throwing out rotten ones that have sat unattended.
11. Learn to plant mushrooms.
12. Spend one portion of one day picking fiddleheads, leeks, and mushrooms.
13. Use up my HUGE stash of scrapbooking supplies without purchasing anything but glue tape and scrapbook the last year of our life then moving onto earlier years.
14. Finish the Kitchen renovation.
15. Install 2 storm doors and a new "pretty" front door.
16. Replace the bathroom sink/cupboard and medicine cupboard with something nicer.
17. Paint the livingroom.
18. Finish painting the stairs.
19. Help Joe build our deck.
20. Move the dog cage and put in patio bricks for a base.
21. Plan and possibly start our addition.
22. Build a shed for Joe's tools.
23. Add even a small fenced in area for the dogs/chickens.
24. Install closet doors in our bedroom.
25. Start the master bathroom. (at least a toilet and sink.)
26. Sell 100 items in My Etsy Shop.
27. Continue upcycling and reselling items.
28. Use craft items on hand.
29. Organize the basement.
30. Clean out and organize the cover-it shed.
31. Design and build a gardening Bench.
32. Paint the portraits of Joe & I that are in my head.
33. Start a Tybee Island Savings account.
34. Get another tattoo with Joe.
35. At least one hour of quality time with Joe everyday during daylight hours.
36. Exercise and lose the last 15 pounds that loves me too much.
37. Continue baking from scratch instead of buying box mixes and prepackaged items.
38. Write Joe a love note every work day.

Phew! There are some heavy things on there! They can all mostly be accomplished with orderly planning and help from my man. Scary thing is I could have added more. But these came to mind without hesitation and since they are in the forefront of my mind; I am guessing they will succeed accomplishment.

Alrighty, this crazy Mom is off to sew some aprons and bags and search for her "muchness".

Talk to you tomorrow! Hopefully I will have an update and the beginnings of some goals realized.


Friday, March 19, 2010

New Addition

Last weekend Joe and I visited a kennel that had 18 poodles in all shapes and sizes. When we walked in the door; I was greeted by one baby nipping at my pants and by the time Joey got in a chorus of howling poopies!

We visited for awhile and talked with the owners. While sitting on the floor a bigger (but no where near the size of our boys) apricot poodle came and climbed in my lap and then went over to Joe to do the same to him. The owner was shocked and suprised and off the cuff offered to let us have "her". Joe and I looked at each other and made mental contact. The owner told us that "Brandi" was pregnant and due to have puppies on the 29th. Again Joe and I looked at each other curiously and several flags went off in my head.

I wondered why we would be offered a pregnant dog from a kennel owner? I wondered what was wrong with the dog? I wondered what we weren't being told? A lot of questions were flying around in my head. I was trying to process everything. We really didn't intend to go there and leave with a dog; let alone a pregnant one. We wanted to see the puppies and the pregnant Mom's for a possible future teacup little girl. There were two other soon to deliver Mom's and two more possibly pregnant. 18 dogs in total of varying ages. 30 bantam chickens and 5 mini horses. The dogs seemed happy enough. Some needed trims but all in all not bad and most of them had free range of the house. I wondered what the boys would think?

The owner went on to tell us Brandi was her "velcro dog". She only liked her. Stuck to her all day. Barked incessantly and riled up the other dogs. That didn't faze me; peanut likes to bark and boomer talks so not too big a deal. Still why would you give away a pregnant dog? She wants the puppies back when they are weaned and we do have the option to buy one if we choose. Still curious. She claims to have no papers on Brandi but sells her pups pretty heftily. I question that. She said she was 8 years old. She said she loves raw potatoes and carrots. Says she isn't bad to trim or cut her nails.

This is what we have found out:

Brandi doesn't bark. EVER. I don't think she has a voice. Her eye has a definite spot in it. Her tail was docked far too short. She was heavily matted especially on her rear legs and belly. Her nails were so long some were cracked and splayed. Her right foot had a sore between the pads. She doesn't like raw carrots or potatoes at all. Snubs her nose at them even. She does however love table food and gobbles it down in a snatchy manner. Working on that. She is patient in the bath. She lets you trim her fur and comb her and cut her nails although she doesnt' like the latter so much. She loves to snuggle and it doesn't matter who with. She follows me around like my shadow. She loves hairbows and coats and to look pretty. She has the stinkiest breath on earth.

We love her. She is ours. She is a happy addition to our home. Welcome home Brandi!

Stace and Joey

#2 and #4

We miss you both more than you realize. I guess it must be something to do with the even numbers.

I think that all we want to say is that no matter how many miles apart we are from you both; not a day goes by that we don't miss you and think of you.

Life is full of responsibilities and rules that we all must follow. The rules and standards we set are to teach you how best to get along in life. We both have been many places; some wonderful and some not so grand. We do have some experience and knowledge in it all.

Hopefully you think of us and know our love is deep and sincere; no matter what anyone else may say to you.

Missing you and always loving you,
Daddy and Mom

February Recap

I know I was supposed to write everyday or at least wanted to but life was just busy in February. So today I am going to make several posts to catch up on our life.

February started with weekly dinners at Ma's! one night a week we go there and cook dinner and eat it with Ma. We always have a homemade dessert as well. We've had everything from homemade pizza to new england boiled dinner and trifle to cupcakes to rootbeer floats. Yum! We leave a plate for Ma to enjoy the next day as well.

We also had the Father-Daughter Dance with new dress clothes and flowers and a Daddy date. (#3 and I stayed at Ma's and had pizza with her) I did forget Joe's dress shoes and had to run home to get them while they got ready.

Valentine's Day came and we treated ourselves to a new comforter set and pillows. Along with Valentine's Cupcakes and a candy cupboard of goodness. I also made homemade sugar cubes with #3 and #5!

Of course once a week we go on date night to enjoy each other's company.

The SuperBowl also came and went and we have a picture to send to Uncle Hank! So added to our post are photos from our February!

Our chickens started laying again. We started with 3 eggs a day but as it's gotten warmer; they've given us more and more! Also #1 and #3 were spooked by the chickens one day!!

I left out the not so fun parts~the extra work hours for Joe, #2 and #4 giving us heartache, the snowstorm after snowstrom bit, and the cold. Not fun but they happened!

Thanks for stopping and peaking in at our eventful February!
Stace and Joey

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Thriftland Bust

So this morning dawned bright and early with the promise of a dreamy day.

Even though I would have snuggled in bed with my man all tangled up; we ventured up and acted like grownups.

Joe to his morning routine before work; (interrupted by yet another day of teenagers who refuse to get up on time and are hogging the bathroom) grrr. and me to the Bunn to brew a pot of coffee for his thermos. After grumbling about the late hour and the fact that we are too tired to get up lately; I remembered the promise of the day and turned on turbo speed to make my baby's lunch and breakfast. Of course the entire time was met with random hollering from me upstairs to rouse the children.

Are we bad parents for insisting they set their alarms and get up on their own and be done in the downstairs bathroom by 6:30?? I sure feel like we are. We are often met with eye rolling, arguing, sass, and other crazy antics for wanting this courtesy. Most of all; non-compliance of the rule.

Anyway, after kissing my man and watching his van pull out the driveway with one last blown kiss; I turned to the house and met it's stare head on. 7:15 a.m. and I needed to be ready to head out the door by 8 and get those darn kids out the door as the older 3 are now late! We literally live 5 houses from the highschool and they are late most days. The youngest is the best for morning routine. She is mostly helpful and cooperative and willing to please. She doesn't hog the bathroom and remembers most all her books. While still hollering (half-heartedly that is) at the 3 older monsters; I started to get the house in order. Dishwasher emptied and dishes put away, breakfast and lunch making dishes rinsed and placed in washer, laundry, folded, switched, and a new load started, counters washed, bed made, trash out, chicken chum started, and finally a shower. 8:07 all kids are at school and Mom is ready for sweet anticipation.

A quick phone call made to ensure meet up time is still on and a sinking feeling when the receiver is not picked up on the other end. A few mental minutes spent fretting and finally a convincing answer that Julie was in the shower and couldn't get to her phone. A quick e-mail sent on the iphone just in case, a text to hubby that she didn't pick up, and a resolution to sit and load some photos to flickr and wait for the phone to ring. After what seemed like hours but was really only 20 minutes; the phone rang. Julie could meet me at 10:30!! I asked a few questions about my treasures and was reassured by her they were authentic. The questions went as follows, "Are the legs chrome or dowel wood?, they look dark in the photo?, is there a stamp on the bottom that says Herman Miller? are they fiberglass?, are they in good shape?" Answers, "Chrome, yes there is a stamp, yes they are fiberglass, they are in excellent shape and have been stored inside" I was in heaven!! Two Herman Miller Shell chairs in tan for $60! Oh the luck! My truck could not go fast enough on the hour drive to pick up my beloveds. Pulling into the parking lot I saw Julie right away. She got out of her truck and started pulling the chairs out for me to see. Before I stepped foot out of the truck my heart sank to my toes. I had been bamboozled, hornshwaggled, and flat out lied to! I was close to tears but furious. I hopped from my truck and as soon as my patent leather orange boots hit the pavement I was ready to fight! First out of my mouth was, "those really aren't fiberglass, they are plastic, they have stretching and fading on the seat and the arms are flimsy and bend." (I flipped one over) and exclaimed,"there is no stamp on these; they are a cheap knockoff!" "the legs are painted copper, not chrome." I pointed to my truck and said, "this is chrome" "Herman Miller legs are adhered to the fiberglass base, not inserted into a plastic piece." "these clearly are not Herman Miller chairs but a knockoff and unless you intend to misrepresent yourself and his company; I suggest you change your ad and alert other buyers." I thanked her anyway, got into my truck and drove off while flicking hot angry tears from my cheek. What a bust! An hour drive one way in my diesel pickup with gas prices at $3.00 a gallon to be lied to! All the visions I had of my two chairs in my soon to be renovated livingroom went out the door and splashed in a slushy puddle in the Staples parking lot.

So now I am home. Disappointed and angry. Trying to rouse myself from my angry mood and go do some crafting for Style School. I think 6 little clipboards and a necklace will help me out some.

I have less than 10 minutes before the three oldest arrive home and have a headache to boot. Ibuprofen has not kicked in yet. Hopefully the remainder of the day can redeem my morning.

Still dreaming of a Herman Miller Shell rocker. *sigh*


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The New Year's Resolution.....

January 6, 2010
I know many of us speak of resolutions to have for the New Year filled with countless things we want to do. Exercise, eat better, lose weight, quit smoking, the lists go on and on. I don't make Resolutions. I never stick to them.
I think instead I will make a goal list. Nothing that has to be done in any order but a list of things I'd like to do. I am thinking I may just take the time to think of 52 things I would like to accomplish alone or with Joe or the whole family and work at it. A fellow blogger does a list of personal things each year at her birthday and I love this idea as well. Maybe I will have 2 goal lists this year~ 38 for 38 years and the 1 goal a week. It will definitely fill my days and make me feel productive.
I know the first will be to write everyday. Mind you; it may not be on here but it will happen. I've always wanted to write a book. I've started it in my head and on the computer several times but never felt the inspiration I've needed. I think that the last year has been inspiring and filled with support and I am ready now.
So I will close in saying I have plenty to update you on but will try to do it bit by bit.
Take care and hope your New Year was everything you dreamed it would be.

A Little of This and a Little of That....

January 5, 2010
This winter has found me crocheting and doing embroidery along with several other crafts.

I am happy to have made scarves for all the nieces for Christmas and a hat for Joe, Jess, and Marie, and cowls for everyone. Currently I am working on an afghan and another hat for Jess and hats for the puppies.
Recently I made the necklaces Joe and I wore at our Wedding and Joe and I embroidered the felt mittens that held our favors at the tables of our guests.

I will soon be taking a six week crafting course online and hope to be sharing all those creations as well.

We do have plans for the Studio but that will be divulged on another day. Happy crafting!