Stace and Joey

Two people living life to their convictions; one day at a time. Together in love, life, and happiness.

Trying their best to raise 5 phenomenal kids and keep a happy home.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Thriftland Bust

So this morning dawned bright and early with the promise of a dreamy day.

Even though I would have snuggled in bed with my man all tangled up; we ventured up and acted like grownups.

Joe to his morning routine before work; (interrupted by yet another day of teenagers who refuse to get up on time and are hogging the bathroom) grrr. and me to the Bunn to brew a pot of coffee for his thermos. After grumbling about the late hour and the fact that we are too tired to get up lately; I remembered the promise of the day and turned on turbo speed to make my baby's lunch and breakfast. Of course the entire time was met with random hollering from me upstairs to rouse the children.

Are we bad parents for insisting they set their alarms and get up on their own and be done in the downstairs bathroom by 6:30?? I sure feel like we are. We are often met with eye rolling, arguing, sass, and other crazy antics for wanting this courtesy. Most of all; non-compliance of the rule.

Anyway, after kissing my man and watching his van pull out the driveway with one last blown kiss; I turned to the house and met it's stare head on. 7:15 a.m. and I needed to be ready to head out the door by 8 and get those darn kids out the door as the older 3 are now late! We literally live 5 houses from the highschool and they are late most days. The youngest is the best for morning routine. She is mostly helpful and cooperative and willing to please. She doesn't hog the bathroom and remembers most all her books. While still hollering (half-heartedly that is) at the 3 older monsters; I started to get the house in order. Dishwasher emptied and dishes put away, breakfast and lunch making dishes rinsed and placed in washer, laundry, folded, switched, and a new load started, counters washed, bed made, trash out, chicken chum started, and finally a shower. 8:07 all kids are at school and Mom is ready for sweet anticipation.

A quick phone call made to ensure meet up time is still on and a sinking feeling when the receiver is not picked up on the other end. A few mental minutes spent fretting and finally a convincing answer that Julie was in the shower and couldn't get to her phone. A quick e-mail sent on the iphone just in case, a text to hubby that she didn't pick up, and a resolution to sit and load some photos to flickr and wait for the phone to ring. After what seemed like hours but was really only 20 minutes; the phone rang. Julie could meet me at 10:30!! I asked a few questions about my treasures and was reassured by her they were authentic. The questions went as follows, "Are the legs chrome or dowel wood?, they look dark in the photo?, is there a stamp on the bottom that says Herman Miller? are they fiberglass?, are they in good shape?" Answers, "Chrome, yes there is a stamp, yes they are fiberglass, they are in excellent shape and have been stored inside" I was in heaven!! Two Herman Miller Shell chairs in tan for $60! Oh the luck! My truck could not go fast enough on the hour drive to pick up my beloveds. Pulling into the parking lot I saw Julie right away. She got out of her truck and started pulling the chairs out for me to see. Before I stepped foot out of the truck my heart sank to my toes. I had been bamboozled, hornshwaggled, and flat out lied to! I was close to tears but furious. I hopped from my truck and as soon as my patent leather orange boots hit the pavement I was ready to fight! First out of my mouth was, "those really aren't fiberglass, they are plastic, they have stretching and fading on the seat and the arms are flimsy and bend." (I flipped one over) and exclaimed,"there is no stamp on these; they are a cheap knockoff!" "the legs are painted copper, not chrome." I pointed to my truck and said, "this is chrome" "Herman Miller legs are adhered to the fiberglass base, not inserted into a plastic piece." "these clearly are not Herman Miller chairs but a knockoff and unless you intend to misrepresent yourself and his company; I suggest you change your ad and alert other buyers." I thanked her anyway, got into my truck and drove off while flicking hot angry tears from my cheek. What a bust! An hour drive one way in my diesel pickup with gas prices at $3.00 a gallon to be lied to! All the visions I had of my two chairs in my soon to be renovated livingroom went out the door and splashed in a slushy puddle in the Staples parking lot.

So now I am home. Disappointed and angry. Trying to rouse myself from my angry mood and go do some crafting for Style School. I think 6 little clipboards and a necklace will help me out some.

I have less than 10 minutes before the three oldest arrive home and have a headache to boot. Ibuprofen has not kicked in yet. Hopefully the remainder of the day can redeem my morning.

Still dreaming of a Herman Miller Shell rocker. *sigh*


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The New Year's Resolution.....

January 6, 2010
I know many of us speak of resolutions to have for the New Year filled with countless things we want to do. Exercise, eat better, lose weight, quit smoking, the lists go on and on. I don't make Resolutions. I never stick to them.
I think instead I will make a goal list. Nothing that has to be done in any order but a list of things I'd like to do. I am thinking I may just take the time to think of 52 things I would like to accomplish alone or with Joe or the whole family and work at it. A fellow blogger does a list of personal things each year at her birthday and I love this idea as well. Maybe I will have 2 goal lists this year~ 38 for 38 years and the 1 goal a week. It will definitely fill my days and make me feel productive.
I know the first will be to write everyday. Mind you; it may not be on here but it will happen. I've always wanted to write a book. I've started it in my head and on the computer several times but never felt the inspiration I've needed. I think that the last year has been inspiring and filled with support and I am ready now.
So I will close in saying I have plenty to update you on but will try to do it bit by bit.
Take care and hope your New Year was everything you dreamed it would be.

A Little of This and a Little of That....

January 5, 2010
This winter has found me crocheting and doing embroidery along with several other crafts.

I am happy to have made scarves for all the nieces for Christmas and a hat for Joe, Jess, and Marie, and cowls for everyone. Currently I am working on an afghan and another hat for Jess and hats for the puppies.
Recently I made the necklaces Joe and I wore at our Wedding and Joe and I embroidered the felt mittens that held our favors at the tables of our guests.

I will soon be taking a six week crafting course online and hope to be sharing all those creations as well.

We do have plans for the Studio but that will be divulged on another day. Happy crafting!

Back to School....

January 4, 2010

to prove to Mom and Dad we are not fools!

Yes we recently watched Billy Madison. AND yes the kids are back in school. I was nervous that we would have another snow day but Mother Nature held off. It is bitterly cold though and have made sure the kids bundle every day.

Back to school also means get the house back in order and that is what I'm trying to do. Hopefully I can finish the kitchen and bedroom this week. I am really hoping on some sort of inspirational miracle to help me figure out the bedroom. The side with the bed is perfect. The soon to be bathroom is holding out on some new rooms so that is summer time work but does need some tidying up.

All in due time. First I must get some coffee and go to the Post Office.

Then home for kids coming in from school! Have a great day!

Matt at Hoosac during Fire Awareness Week!

Another Special Day

January 3, 2010

Yesterday the 2nd was Ma and Poppa's Anniversary. Joe and I are happy and honoured to be sharing the same time of year for our wedding. It was magical enough to decide to up our wedding date and get married sooner but all the more magical because Ma was there. We have held strong to her guidance and support this year and both know we are doing right when we see the approval in her eyes. I was never so pleased and humble to hear her tell Joey, "I am so happy for you. I haven't seen you smile like you are now in many years." I am happy spending time with Ma and cherish the gift of her love and insight. We love you Ma and Happy Anniversary. We hope to have a marriage as filled with love and honour as you you and Poppa had.
Stacie and Joe

First Saturday of 2010

January 2, 2010

Woke to the not so pleasant vibrating of the pager. But very glad we decided to stay home this weekend with Joe being on call. It was nice to wake up next to my husband and with a quick kiss he was off to call the service.
In a matter of an hour we had 4 calls. I quickly packed my crocheting bag and some snacks while he got his van ready and made 2 coffees. We were off to help people who needed heat and electric. I know you might think it silly that we go on his calls together but that is exactly what it is; us together. What better way to spend my weekend? I can think of none. With him by my side I am ready to face anything. I am most blessed.

Ringing in the New Year

January 1, 2010

We rang in the New Year in the most special way possible. Joe and I got married! We wrote our vows together and surrounded ourselves with very close people who have supported us this past year. It was romantic and beautiful. I married my best friend. I took his name and we pledged to love each other always. This will be the easy part. I love every minute spent with Joe and feel we have both grown tremendously in the past year. We do wish that one more person had been here to share in our day but circumstances as they are; this was not to be. Maybe someday she will know she was in our hearts this day and everyday we've been together. Here are a few pictures of our night. We finished off a tumultuous year by starting it the best way we knew how; in love and together. I love you Joey. xoxo
Your Wife

Special thanks to Sam for these photos!